Ballet Folklorico Sol Huasteco

Proudly Dancing for our Las Vegas Community

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Our Mission

Ballet Folklórico Sol Huasteco is a Las Vegas-based organization that focuses on the education and preservation of Mexican culture and tradition through folk dance. Ballet Folklórico Sol Huasteco was established in 2012 as an expansion group to Ballet Folklórico Sol de Rancho. As dancers began to graduate, they realized they were more like a family than a class and wanted to remain together, sparking the idea to create a new community group in Las Vegas. With the love of dance, the determination to provide an avenue for recent graduates to continue dancing, and the dedication to our art, the members of Ballet Folklórico Sol Huasteco continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives. 



Misión y Propósito del Grupo

Ballet Folklórico Sol Huasteco es una organización con sede en Las Vegas que se enfoca en la educación y preservación de la cultura y la tradición Mexicana a través de la danza folclórica. Ballet Folklórico Sol Huasteco se estableció en el 2012 como un grupo de expansión al Ballet Folklórico Sol de Rancho. Cuando los bailarines empezaron a graduarse, se dieron cuenta de que más que una clase eran como una familia y querían permanecer juntos, lo que desató la idea de crear un nuevo grupo comunitario en Las Vegas. Con el amor por la danza, la determinación para proporcionar una vía para que los recién graduados continuaran bailando y la dedicación a nuestro arte, los miembros del Ballet Folklórico Sol Huasteco continúan esforzándose por la excelencia en todos los aspectos de sus vidas.

Así como hermanos mayores bailaron con pasos fuertes y hermosas faldas, ahora sus hermanitos, primos y vecinos también querían hacerlo. El grupo Infantil se inició con estos parientes y amigos más jóvenes de los estudiantes y ex alumnos de Rancho High School.


El Significado de Nuestro Nombre



El Significado de Nuestro Nombre

Nuestro nombre fue creado a partir de diversas fuentes de inspiración. "Sol", un homenaje a nuestro grupo folklórico de fundación, Sol de Rancho, y la palabra "Huasteco", que se utiliza para nombrar a una región especial y única de México. Así como la región de la Huasteca une a muchos estados bajo un mismo paraguas cultural, también nosotros demostramos que a pesar de que somos de diferentes lugares, compartimos el mismo amor por la danza folklórica Mexicana. Nuestra organización se centra en la educación y la preservación de la cultura Mexicana, la historia y las tradiciones a través de la danza folclórica. Como un grupo fundado recientemente, el Ballet Folklórico Sol Huasteco se enorgullece de representar la forma tradicional de danza folclórica Mexicana a lo largo de Las Vegas.

The Meaning Behind Our Name

Our name was created from various inspirations. “Sol,” pays homage to our foundation folklórico group, Sol de Rancho, and the word “Huasteco,” is used to honor the special and unique region of Mexico. As the Huasteca region unites many states under one cultural umbrella, we also demonstrate that even though we are from different places, we share the same love for dance. Our organization focuses on the education and preservation of Mexican culture, history, and traditions through folk dance. Ballet Folklórico Sol Huasteco is proud to represent the traditional form of Mexican folk dance throughout Las Vegas.


Our Leader

Proudly DAncing for our Las Vegas community

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Our Director

Jacquelyn Guzman is native to Tucson, AZ. Although she began dancing folklorico when she was a little older, at 13, she fell in love immediately. She was a part of Los Tucsonenses, under the direction of Lisabeth Almgren and Marcela Cardenas from Tucson High Magnet School and graduated with a Performance Arts Credential. She then became a member of Ballet Folklórico Tapatío, where she danced under the direction of Maestro Sergio Valle Vasquez for over eight years.

It was under Ballet Folklórico Tapatío where she began her teaching career. She taught the Infantil group for Tapatío for two years and was then given the opportunity to work at Sunnyside High School as the director of Los Diablitos Azules for three years. Wanting a change of pace and something new, Jacquelyn relocated to Las Vegas, NV in the fall of 2008. She began teaching at Rancho High School, with the focus of maintaining and expanding the school’s folklórico program: Ballet Folklórico Sol de Rancho. It was here that she saw a greater need for folklórico in the community and began teaching an Infantil group in the evenings. Most of the members of the Infantil group were siblings, cousins, neighbors of her high school students. When members of Sol de Rancho began graduating, they did not want to stop dancing and so, in 2012, Jacquelyn officially formed Ballet Folklórico Sol Huasteco with former students.

Jacquelyn is a proud Tucsonan and has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Arizona and an Associate’s degree in Performing Arts with a Dance Emphasis from Pima Community College. She has also obtained her Master of Arts degree from the University of Southern California in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.

Jacquelyn has coordinated the folklórico component of the Clark County School District Mariachi and Folklórico Conference since 2009. She also had the honor to participate as an Assistant Director for the Las Vegas Mariachi and Baile Folklórico Conference in 2013 hosted by Tucson’s own CHISPA Foundation. Jacquelyn has also participated in numerous conferences, such as the Tucson International Mariachi and Folklórico Conference, Las Cruces International Mariachi and Folklórico Conference, the San Jose Mexican Heritage and Mariachi Festival, Danzantes Unidos Festival, Asociación Nacional de Grupos Folklóricos, and the Gran Festival de Folklor y Mariachi in Tucson, AZ.